Data formats with Pandas and Numpy


  • How do you store your data right now?

  • Are you doing data cleaning / preprocessing every time you load the data?


  • Learn the distinguishing characteristics of different data formats.

  • Learn how you can read and write data in a variety of formats.

What is a data format?

Data format can mean two different things

  1. data structure or how you’re storing the data in memory while you’re working on it;

  2. file format or the way you’re storing the data in the disk.

Let’s consider this randomly generated DataFrame with various columns:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

n_rows = 100000

dataset = pd.DataFrame(
        'string': np.random.choice(('apple', 'banana', 'carrot'), size=n_rows),
        'timestamp': pd.date_range("20130101", periods=n_rows, freq="s"),
        'integer': np.random.choice(range(0,10), size=n_rows),
        'float': np.random.uniform(size=n_rows),

This DataFrame is structured in the tidy data format. In tidy data format we have multiple columns of data that are collected in a Pandas DataFrame.


Let’s consider another example:

n = 1000

data_array = np.random.uniform(size=(n,n))

Here we have a different data structure: we have a two-dimensional array of numbers. This is different to a Pandas DataFrame as data is stored as one contiguous block instead of individual columns. This also means that the whole array must have one data type.

Source: Elegant Scipy

Now the question is: Can the data be saved to the disk without changing the data format?

For this we need a file format that can easily store our data structure.

What to look for in a file format?

When deciding which file format you should use for your program, you should remember the following:

There is no file format that is good for every use case.

Instead, there are various standard file formats for various use cases:

Source: xkcd #927.

Usually, you’ll want to consider the following things when choosing a file format:

  1. Is the file format good for my data structure (is it fast/space efficient/easy to use)?

  2. Is everybody else / leading authorities in my field recommending a certain format?

  3. Do I need a human-readable format or is it enough to work on it using code?

  4. Do I want to archive / share the data or do I just want to store it while I’m working?

Pandas supports many file formats for tidy data and Numpy supports some file formats for array data. However, there are many other file formats that can be used through other libraries.

Table below describes some data formats:

Long term



















Graph formats





  • ✅ : Good

  • 🟨 : Ok / depends on a case

  • ❌ : Bad

Storing arbitrary Python objects


Key features

  • Type: Binary format

  • Packages needed: None (pickle-module is included with Python).

  • Space efficiency: 🟨

  • Arbitrary data:

  • Tidy data: 🟨

  • Array data: 🟨

  • Long term archival/sharing: ❌! See warning below.

  • Best use cases: Saving Python objects for debugging.


Loading pickles that you have not created is risky as they can contain arbitrary executable code.

Do not unpickle objects from sources that you do not trust!

Pickle is Python’s own serialization library. It allows you to store Python objects into a binary file, but it is not a format you will want to use for long term storage or data sharing. It is best suited for debugging your code by saving the Python variables for later inspection:

import pickle

with open('data_array.pickle', 'wb') as f:
    pickle.dump(data_array, f)

with open('data_array.pickle', 'rb') as f:
    data_array_pickle = pickle.load(f)

Exercise 1


  • Create an arbitrary python object (for example, a string or a list). Pickle it.

    Read the pickled object back in and check if it matches the original one.

Storing tidy data

CSV (comma-separated values)

Key features

  • Type: Text format

  • Packages needed: numpy, pandas

  • Space efficiency:

  • Arbitrary data:

  • Tidy data:

  • Array data: 🟨

  • Long term archival/sharing:

  • Best use cases: Sharing data. Small data. Data that needs to be human-readable.

CSV is by far the most popular file format, as it is human-readable and easily shareable. However, it is not the best format to use when you’re working with big data.

Pandas has a very nice interface for writing and reading CSV files with to_csv- and read_csv-functions:

dataset.to_csv('dataset.csv', index=False)

dataset_csv = pd.read_csv('dataset.csv')

Numpy has routines for saving and loading arrays as CSV files as well:

np.savetxt('data_array.csv', data_array)

data_array_csv = np.loadtxt('data_array.csv')


Key features

  • Type: Binary format

  • Packages needed: pandas, pyarrow

  • Space efficiency:

  • Arbitrary data:

  • Tidy data:

  • Array data:

  • Long term archival/sharing:

  • Best use cases: Temporary storage of tidy data.

Feather is a file format for storing data frames quickly. There are libraries for Python, R and Julia.

We can work with Feather files with to_feather- and read_feather-functions:

dataset_feather = pd.read_feather('dataset.feather')

Feather is not a good format for storing array data, so we won’t present an example of that here.


Key features

  • Type: Binary format

  • Packages needed: pandas, pyarrow

  • Space efficiency:

  • Arbitrary data: 🟨

  • Tidy data:

  • Array data: 🟨

  • Long term archival/sharing:

  • Best use cases: Working with big datasets in tidy data format. Archival of said data.

Parquet is a standardized open-source columnar storage format that is commonly used for storing big data. Parquet is usable from many different languages (C, Java, Python, MATLAB, Julia, etc.).

We can work with Parquet files with to_parquet- and read_parquet-functions:

dataset_parquet = pd.read_parquet('dataset.parquet')

Parquet can be used to store arbitrary data and arrays as well, but doing that is more complicated so we won’t do that here.

Exercise 2


  • Create the example dataset:

    import pandas as pd
    import numpy as np
    n_rows = 100000
    dataset = pd.DataFrame(
            'string': np.random.choice(('apple', 'banana', 'carrot'), size=n_rows),
            'timestamp': pd.date_range("20130101", periods=n_rows, freq="s"),
            'integer': np.random.choice(range(0,10), size=n_rows),
            'float': np.random.uniform(size=n_rows),
  • Save the dataset dataset as CSV. Load the dataset into a variable dataset_csv.

  • Use to check if loaded dataset matches the original one.

Storing array data

npy (numpy array format)

Key features

  • Type: Binary format

  • Packages needed: numpy

  • Space efficiency: 🟨

  • Arbitrary data:

  • Tidy data:

  • Array data:

  • Long term archival/sharing:

  • Best use cases: Saving numpy arrays temporarily.

If you want to temporarily store numpy arrays, you can use the and numpy.load()-functions:'data_array.npy', data_array)
data_array_npy = np.load('data_array.npy')

There also exists numpy.savez()-function for storing multiple datasets in a single file:

np.savez('data_arrays.npz', data_array0=data_array, data_array1=data_array)
data_arrays = np.load('data_arrays.npz')

For big arrays it’s good idea to check other binary formats such as HDF5 or NetCDF4. and np.savez-functions work with sparse matrices, but one can also use dedicated scipy.sparse.save_npz- and scipy.sparse.load_npz-functions. Storing sparse matrices using these functions can give huge storage savings.

HDF5 (Hierarchical Data Format version 5)

Key features

  • Type: Binary format

  • Packages needed: numpy, pandas, PyTables, h5py

  • Space efficiency:

  • Arbitrary data:

  • Tidy data:

  • Array data:

  • Long term archival/sharing:

  • Best use cases: Working with big datasets in array data format.

HDF5 is a high performance storage format for storing large amounts of data in multiple datasets in a single file. It is especially popular in fields where you need to store big multidimensional arrays such as physical sciences.

Pandas allows you to store tables as HDF5 with PyTables, which uses HDF5 to write the files. You can create a HDF5 file with to_hdf- and read_parquet-functions:

dataset.to_hdf('dataset.h5', key='dataset', mode='w')
dataset_hdf5 = pd.read_hdf('dataset.h5')

PyTables comes installed with the default Anaconda installation.

For writing data that is not a table, you can use the excellent h5py-package:

import h5py

# Writing:

# Open HDF5 file
h5_file = h5py.File('data_array.h5', 'w')
# Write dataset
h5_file.create_dataset('data_array', data=data_array)
# Close file and write data to disk. Important!

# Reading:

# Open HDF5 file again
h5_file = h5py.File('data_array.h5', 'r')
# Read the full dataset
data_array_h5 = h5_file['data_array'][()]
# Close file

h5py comes with Anaconda as well.

NetCDF4 (Network Common Data Form version 4)

Key features

  • Type: Binary format

  • Packages needed: pandas, netCDF4/h5netcdf, xarray

  • Space efficiency:

  • Arbitrary data:

  • Tidy data:

  • Array data:

  • Long term archival/sharing:

  • Best use cases: Working with big datasets in array data format. Especially useful if the dataset contains spatial or temporal dimensions. Archiving or sharing those datasets.

NetCDF4 is a data format that uses HDF5 as its file format, but it has standardized structure of datasets and metadata related to these datasets. This makes it possible to be read from various different programs.

NetCDF4 is a common format for storing large data from big simulations in physical sciences.

Using interface provided by xarray:

# Write tidy data as NetCDF4
dataset.to_xarray().to_netcdf('', engine='h5netcdf')
# Read tidy data from NetCDF4
import xarray as xr
dataset_xarray = xr.open_dataset('', engine='h5netcdf')
dataset_netcdf4 = dataset_xarray.to_pandas()

Working with array data is easy as well:

# Write array data as NetCDF4
xr.DataArray(data_array).to_netcdf('', engine='h5netcdf')
# Read array data from NetCDF4
data_array_xarray = xr.open_dataarray('', engine='h5netcdf')
data_array_netcdf4 = data_array_xarray.to_numpy()

The advantage of NetCDF4 compared to HDF5 is that one can easily add other metadata e.g. spatial dimensions (x, y, z) or timestamps (t) that tell where the grid-points are situated. As the format is standardized, many programs can use this metadata for visualization and further analysis.

Exercise 3


  • Create an example numpy array:

    n = 1000
    data_array = np.random.uniform(size=(n,n))
  • Store the array as a npy.

  • Read the dataframe back in and compare it to the original one. Does the data match?

Other file formats

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)

Key features

  • Type: Text format

  • Packages needed: None (json-module is included with Python).

  • Space efficiency:

  • Arbitrary data: 🟨

  • Tidy data:

  • Array data:

  • Long term archival/sharing:

  • Best use cases: Saving nested/relational data, storing web requests.

JSON is a popular human-readable data format. It is especially common when dealing with web applications (REST-APIs etc.).

You rarely want to keep your data in this format, unless you’re working with nested data with multiple layers or lots of interconnections.

Similarly to other popular files, Pandas can write and read json files with to_json()- and read_json()-functions:

dataset_json = pd.read_json('dataset.json')


Key features

  • Type: Text format

  • Packages needed: openpyxl

  • Space efficiency:

  • Arbitrary data:

  • Tidy data: 🟨

  • Array data:

  • Long term archival/sharing:

  • Best use cases: Sharing data in many fields. Quick data analysis.

Excel is very popular in social sciences and economics. However, it is not a good format for data science.

See Pandas’ documentation on working with Excel files.

Graph formats (adjency lists, gt, GraphML etc.)

Key features

  • Type: Many different formats

  • Packages needed: Depends on a format.

  • Space efficiency: 🟨

  • Arbitrary data:

  • Tidy data:

  • Array data:

  • Long term archival/sharing: 🟨

  • Best use cases: Saving graphs or data that can be represented as a graph.

There are plenty of data formats for storing graphs. We won’t list them here as optimal data format depends heavily on the graph structure.

One can use functions in libraries such as networkx, graph-tool, igraph to read and write graphs.

Benefits of binary file formats

Binary files come with various benefits compared to text files.

  1. They can represent floating point numbers with full precision.

  2. Storing data in binary format can potentially save lots of space. This is because you do not need to write numbers as characters. Additionally some file formats support compression of the data.

  3. Data loading from binary files is usually much faster than loading from text files. This is because memory can be allocated for the data before data is loaded as the type of data in columns is known.

  4. You can often store multiple datasets and metadata to the same file.

  5. Many binary formats allow for partial loading of the data. This makes it possible to work with datasets that are larger than your computer’s memory.

Performance with tidy dataset:

For the tidy dataset we had, we can test the performance of the different file formats:

File format

File size [MB]

Write time [ms]

Read time [ms]

Data matches exactly


























The relatively poor performance of HDF5-based formats in this case is due to the data being mostly one dimensional columns full of character strings.

Performance with data array:

For the array-shaped data_array we had, we can test the performance of the different file formats:

File format

File size [MB]

Write time [ms]

Read time [ms]

Data matches exactly





















For this kind of a data, HDF5-based formats perform much better.

Things to remember

  1. There is no file format that is good for every use case.

  2. Usually, your research question determines which libraries you want to use to solve it. Similarly, the data format you have determines file format you want to use.

  3. However, if you’re using a previously existing framework or tools or you work in a specific field, you should prioritize using the formats that are used in said framework/tools/field.

  4. When you’re starting your project, it’s a good idea to take your initial data, clean it, and store the results in a good binary format that works as a starting point for your future analysis. If you’ve written the cleaning procedure as a script, you can always reproduce it.

  5. Throughout your work, you should use code to turn important data to human-readable format (e.g. plots, averages, pandas.DataFrame.head()), not to keep your full data in a human-readable format.

  6. Once you’ve finished, you should store the data in a format that can be easily shared to other people.

See also


  • Pandas can read and write a variety of data formats.

  • There are many good, standard formats, and you don’t need to create your own.

  • There are plenty of other libraries dedicated to various formats.