
  • find is a very unixy program: it finds files, but in the most flexible way possible.

  • It is a amazingly complicated program

  • It is a number one in searching files in shell

With no options, just recursively lists all files starting in current directory:


The first option gives a starting directory:

find /etc/

Other search options: by modification/accessing time, by ownership, by access type, joint conditions, case-insensitive, that do not match, etc [1] [2]:

# -or-  'find ~ $WRKDIR -name file.txt' one can search more than one dir at once
find ~ -name file.txt

# look for jpeg files in the current dir only
find . -maxdepth 1 -name '*.jpg' -type f

# find all files of size more than 10M and less than 100M
find . -type -f -size +10M -size -100M

# find everything that does not belong to you
find ~ ! -user $USER | xargs ls -ld

# open all directories to group members
# tip: chmod applies x-bit to directories automatically
find . -type d -exec chmod g+rw {} \;

# find all s-bitted executable binaries
find /usr/{bin,sbin} -type f -perm -u+x,u+s

# find and remove all files older than 7 days
find path/dir -type f -mtime +7 -exec rm -f {} \;

Find syntax is actually an entire boolean logic language given on the command line: it is a single expression evaluated left to right with certain precedence. There are match expressions and action expressions. Thus, you can get amazingly complex if you want to. Take a look at the ‘EXAMPLES’ section in man find for the comprehensive list of examples and explanations.

find on Triton On Triton’s WRKDIR you should use lfs find. This uses a raw lustre connection to make it more efficient than accessing every file. It has somewhat limited abilities as comparing to GNU find. For details man lfs on Triton.

Fast find – locate Another utility that you may find useful locate <pattern>, but on workstations only. This uses a cached database of all files, and just searches that database so it is much faster.

Too many arguments error solved with the find ... | xargs