Arrays, input, Here Documents
BASH supports both indexed and associative one-dimensional arrays. Indexed array can be declared
with declare -a array_name
, or first assignment does it automatically (note: indexed arrays only):
arr=(my very first array)
arr=('Otakaari 1' Espoo 02150 [6]='PL 11000')
To access array elements (the curly braces are required, unlike normal variable expansion):
# elements one by one
echo ${arr[0]} ${arr[1]}
# array values at once
# indexes at once
# number of elements in the array
# length of the element number 2
# to append elements to the end of the array
# assign a command output to array
# emptying array
# to destroy, delete an array
unset arr
# to unset a single array element
unset arr[6]
# sorting array
IFS=$'\n' sorted=($(sort <<<"${arr[*]}"))
# array element inside arithmetic expanssion requires no ${}
# split a string like 'one two three etc' or 'one,two,three,etc' to an array
# note that IFS=', ' means that separator is either space or comma, not a sequence of them
IFS=', ' read -r -a arr <<< "$string"
# spliting a word to an array letter by letter
word=qwerty; arr=($(echo $word | grep -o .))
Loops through the indexed array:
for i in ${!arr[@]}; do
echo arr[$i] is ${arr[$i]}
Negative index counts back from the end of the array, [-1] referencing to the last element.
Quick ways to print array with no loop:
# with keys, as is
declare -p arr
# indexes -- values
echo ${!arr[@]} -- ${arr[@]}
# array elements values one per line
printf "%s\n" "${arr[@]}"
Passing an array to a function as an argument could be the use case when you want to make it local:
f() {
local arr=(${!1}) # pass $1 argument as a refence
# do something to array elements
echo ${arr[@]}
# invoke the function, huom that no changes have been done to the original arr[@]
f arr[@]
BASH associative arrays (this type of array supported in BASH since version 4.2) needs to be
declared first (!) declare -A asarr
Both indexed arrays and associative can be declared as an array of integers, if all elements
values are integers declare -ia array
or declare -iA
. This way element values are
treated as integers always.
asarr=([university]='Aalto University' [city]=Espoo ['street address']='Otakaari 1')
Addressing is similar to indexed arrays:
for i in "${!asarr[@]}"; do
echo asarr[$i] is ${asarr[$i]}
Even though key can have spaces in it, quoting can be omitted.
# use case: your command returns list of lines like: 'string1 string2'
# adding them to an assoative array like: [string1]=string2
declare -A arr
for i in $(command); do
arr+=(["${i/ */}"]="${i/* /}")
Variable expanssions come out in the new light:
# this will return two elements of the array starting from number 1
# all elements without last one
# parts replacement will be applied to all array elements
declare -A emails=([Vesa] [Kimmo] [Anna]
echo ${emails[@]/@*/}
# returns:
For a sake of demo: let us count unique users and their occurances (yes, one can do it with ‘uniq -c’ :)
# declare assoative array of integers
declare -iA arr
for i in $(w -h | cut -c1-8); do # get list of currenly logged users into loop
for u in ${!arr[@]}; do # check that they are unique
if [[ $i == $u ]]; then
continue 2
arr[$i]=1 # if new, add a new array element
for j in ${!arr[@]}; do # printing out
echo ${arr[$j]} $j
Another working demo: script that automates backups or just makes a sync of data to a remote server. Same can be adapted to copy locally, to a usb drive or alike.
# array of directories to be backuped, to skip one, just comment with #
declare -A dirs
cmd='/usr/bin/rsync' # rsync
args="-auvW --delete --progress $@" # accept extra args, like '-n' for the dryrun first
serv='user@server:backups' # copying to ~/backups that must exist
# array key is used for the remote dir name
for d in ${!dirs[@]}; do
echo "Syncing ${dirs[$d]}..."
$cmd $args ${dirs[$d]}/ $serv/$d
Exercise 2.5
make a script/function that produces an array of random numbers, make sure that numbers are unique. Print the array nicely using
for version should use BASH functionality only (Tip:
)the other one can use
(*) Pick up the
function that we have developed earlier, implement IP matching regular expression as^([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})$
and work with the ${BASH_REMATCH[*]} array to make sure that all numbers are in the range 0-255
Working with the input
User input can be given to a script in three ways:
as command arguments, like
./ arg1 arg2 ...
interactively from keyboard with
commandas standard input, like
command | ./script
Nothing stops from using a combination of them or all of the approaches in one script. Let us go through the last two first and then get back to command line arguments.
can do both: read from keyboard or from STDIN
# the command prints the prompt, waits for the response, and then assigns it
# to variable(s)
read -p 'Your names: ' firstn lastn
# read into array, each word as a new array element ('arr' declared automatically)
read -a arr -p 'Your names: '
Given input must be checked (!) with a pattern, especially if script creates directories, removes files, sends emails based on the input.
# request a new directory name till correct one is given (interrupt with Ctrl-C)
until [[ "$newdir" =~ $regexp ]]; do
read -p 'New directory: ' newdir
selected options
-a <ARRAY>
read the data word-wise into the specified array <ARRAY> instead of normal variables
reads <NCHARS> characters of input, ignoring any delimiter, then quits
the prompt string <PROMPT> is output (without a trailing automatic newline) before the read is performed
raw input - disables interpretion of backslash escapes and line-continuation in the read data
secure input - don’t echo input if on a terminal (passwords!)
wait for data <TIMEOUT> seconds, then quit (exit code 1)
is capable of reading STDIN, case like command | ./script
, with while read var
it goes
through the input line by line:
# IFS= is empty and echo argument in quotes to make sure we keep the format
# otherwise all spaces and new lines shrinked to one and leading/trailing whitespace trimmed
while IFS= read -r line; do
echo "line is $line" # do something useful with $line
# To check current $IFS
cat -A <<<"$IFS"
Though in general, whatever comes from STDIN can be proceeded as:
# to check that STDIN is not empty
if [[ -p /dev/stdin ]]; then
# passing STDIN to a pipeline (/dev/stdin can be omitted)
cat /dev/stdin | cut -d' ' -f 2,3 | sort
Other STDIN tricks that one can use in the scripts:
# to read STDIN to a variable, both commands do the same
In the simplest cases like ./script arg1 arg2 ...
, you check $# and then assign
$1, $2, … the way your script requires.
# here we require exactly two arguments
if (($#==2)); then
var1=$1 var2=$2
# ... do something useful
echo 'Wrong amount of arguments'
echo "Usage: ${0##*/} arg1 arg2"
exit 1
To work with all input arguments at once we have $@:
# $# is a number of arguments on the command line, must be non-zero
if (($#)); then
for i; do
echo "$i"
# ... do something useful with each element of $@
# note that 'for ...' uses $@ by default if no other list given with 'in ...'
echo 'No command line arguments given'
As a use case, our script. The script can accept STDIN and arguments, so we check both:
# Usage: [dirname1 [dirname2 [dirname3 ...]]]
# or command |
# by default no directories to archive. i.e. current
# checking for STDIN, if any, assigning STDIN to $args
[[ -p /dev/stdin ]] && args=$(</dev/stdin)
# if arguments are given, appending the $args with $@
(($#)) && args+=" $@"
# no arguments, no stdin, then it is a current dir
[[ -z "$args" ]] && args="$(pwd)"
# by now we should have a directory list in $args to archive
for d in $args; do
# checking that directory exists, if so, archive it
if [[ -d "$d" ]]; then
echo Archiving $d ...
tar caf ${d##*/}.$(date +%Y-%m-%d).tar.gz "$d"
echo " $d does not exist, skipping."
Often, the above mentioned ways are more than enough for simple scripts.
But what if options and arguments are like
./script [-f filename] [-z] [-b] [arg1 [arg2 [...]]]
or more complex?
(common notaion: options in the square brackets are optional). What if you write
a production ready script that will be used by many other as well?
It is were getopt
offers a more efficient way of handling script’s input options.
In the simplest case getopt
command (do not get confused with getopts
built-in BASH
function of similar kind) requires two parameters to work:
first is a list of valid input options – sequence of letters and colons. If letter
followed by a colon, the option requires an argument, if folowed by two colons, argument
is optional. For example, the string getopt "sdf:"
says that the options -s, -d and -f
are valid and -f requires an argument, like -f filename.
The second argument required by getopt is a list of input parameters (options + arguments)
to check, i.e. just $@
Let us use cx script as a demo:
# common usage function with the exit at the end
usage() {
echo "Usage: $sname [options] file [file [file...]]"
echo ' -a, gives access to all, like a+x, by default +x'
echo ' -d <directory/path/bin>, path to the bin directory'
echo " can be used in 'cx' to copy a new script there"
echo ' -a, gives access to all, like a+x, by default +x'
echo ' -d <directory/path/bin>, path to the bin directory'
echo " can be used in 'cx' to copy a new script there"
echo ' -v, verbose mode for chmod'
echo ' -h, this help message'
exit 1
# whole trick is in this part: getopt validates the input parameters,
# structures them by dividing options and arguments with --,
# and returns them to a variable
# then they are reassigned back to $@ with 'set --'
opts=$(getopt "avhd:" "$@") || usage
set -- $opts
# defining variables' default values
sname=${0##*/} # the name this script was called by
# by now we have a well structured $@ which we can trust.
# to go through options one by one we start an endless 'while' loop
# with the nested 'case'. 'shift' makes another trick, every time
# it is invoked it is equal to 'unset $1', thus $@ arguments are
# "shifted down", $2 becomes $1, $3 becomes $2, etc
# 'getopt' adds -- to $@ which separates valid options and the rest
# that did not qualify, when it comes to '--' we 'break' the loop
while true; do
case ${1} in
-h) usage ;; # output help message and exit
-a) ALL=a ;; # if -a is given we set ALL
-v) CMD+=' -v' ;; # if verbose mode required
-d) shift # shift to take next item as a directory path for -d
if [[ -z "$BINDIR" || ! -d "$BINDIR" ]]; then
echo "ERROR: the directory does not exist"
--) shift; break ;; # remove --
# script body
case "$sname" in
cx*) $CMD ${ALL}+rx "$@" && \
[[ -n "$BINDIR" ]] && cp -p $@ $BINDIR ;;
cw*) $CMD ${ALL}+w "$@" ;;
cr*) $CMD ${ALL}+r "$@" ;;
c-w*) $CMD ${ALL}-w "$@" ;;
*) echo "ERROR: no idea what $sname is supposed to do"; exit 1 ;;
can do way more, go for man getopt
for details, as an example:
# here is getopt sets name with '-n' used while reporting errors: our script name
# accepts long options like '--filename myfile' along with '-f myfile'
getopt -n $(basename $0) -o "hac::f:" --long "help,filename:,compress::" -- "$@"
Exercise 2.6
Using the latest (see lecture notes) version as an example, expand above cx script to accept STDIN, like
command | cx [options]
, wherecommand
produces a list of files. Examplefind . -t file -name '*.sh' | cx -a -d /path/to/bin
.Using cx demo as an example, expand the latest version of our (see lecture notes) to make it accepting the following options and arguments: -h -y -d <directory/with/backups> [dirname1 [dirname2 [dirname3 ...]]]
. By default, with no args, it still should make an archive of the current directory.-h
returns usage info,-d <directory/path/with/backups>
is a directory the tar archives will go to, your script has to check that directory exists, the script must also check whether a newly created archive already exist and if so, skip creating the archive with the corresponding warning message.(*)
should force overwriting already existing archive.(*)
should make script silent, so that no errors or other messages would come from any inline command.
Here Document, placeholders
A ‘here document’ and ‘here string’ take the line(s) following and send them to standard input. It’s a way to send larger blocks to stdin.
# instead of 'echo $STRING | command ...'
command <<<$STRING
# instead of 'cat file | command ...'
command <<SomeMagicStopWord
The benefit is that one can use $var, $() etc in the text
The text ends with the Stop Word on a new line, the word can be any
Often used for messaging, be it an email or dumping bunch of text to file.:
# NAME, SURNAME, EMAIL, DAYS are set earlier
mail -s 'Account expiration' $EMAIL<<END-OF-EMAIL
your account is about to expire in $DAYS days.
Best Regards,
Aalto ITS
Or just outputting to a file (same can be done with echo commands):
cat <<EOF >filename
... text
One trick that is particularly useful is using this to make a long comment:
here come text that is seen nowhere
there is no need to comment every single line with #
Hint <<\LimtiString
to turn off substitutions and place text as is with $ marks etc
In case you have a template file which contains variables as placeholders, replacing them:
# 'template' file like:
The name is $NAME, the email is $EMAIL
# command to substitute the placeholders and redirect to 'output' file
# the original 'template' file remains as is
cat template | while IFS= read -r line; do eval echo $line; done > output
# resulting file: The name is Jussi, the email is