Chapter 1: Understanding data analysis workflows¶
Data analysis pipeline¶
Data analysis workflows are commonly split to four steps:
Data perparation and loading
From now on will call this the data analysis pipeline.
Data preparation and loading¶
Data preparation and loading represents the process of preparing your data into a format that is usable for analysis. One might think that this is a very simple procedure, but in reality it is usually the most time intensive part. Without proper data there can be no data analysis and data is rarely provided in a format that is perfect to the task at hand.
Cleaning up data, combining it with other data and creating a efficient data pipeline depends heavily on the task at hand and thus it requires a lot of manual effort. Badly done data preparation will also propagate throughout the data analysis pipeline.
Let’s call the input data d_raw
and let’s denote our input data
processing steps as I(x)
. After we have run the data processing we
will obtain a clean version of data called d
. So basically,
d = I(d_raw)
Modeling in this context refers to applying some algorithm, model or
statistics calculation to the data. So based on the data d
, we
apply some model M(x)
to the data and we obtain an output parameters
. Here output p
can mean anything from statistics (e.g. mean, var)
to fit coefficients. So basically, p=M(d)
The process of choosing a suitable model based on our problem and
obtaining the output p
is what is usually thought of being the whole
data analysis, but the whole data analysis pipeline contains other
steps as well.
After we have obtained the output p
from our model we need to
evaluate whether our model suits the task at hand. This step can be
automatic (we choose best performing model based on fit performance,
we test model on test data) or manual (we look at the parameters, we look
at a plot of fit). Let’s call this step as E(x)
and its output
values as v
. So again, v=E(p)
The last step of our pipeline is to present our results in a suitable
format. This might include the creation of tables, plots or even interactive
widgets. Let’s call this step P(data, parameters, evaluation)
just for clarity let’s use all of our collected knowledge of the problem
as an input. The output result r
is now our finished product that
we’ll show to our colleagues, put into our paper etc. So basically,
Now we have our finished pipeline. Now let’s investigate why this is important.
Understanding data analysis pipelines
A example pipeline is provided in X_exercises/ch1-X-ex1.ipynb
Look through the example pipeline. Mark which cells belong to which categories in this categorization:
Data perparation and loading
Try to determine the pieces of the code that are unique to this specific dataset. Discuss how you would generalize this pipeline to other datasets.
Modularity & Interfacing - Why pipeline design is important¶
Thinking about a data science problem in a pipeline form is important because it highlights two important features:
Modularity means that instead of having one big function or script to
handle the whole pipeline you have multiple independent pieces. In our
example pipeline we had functions I(x)
, M(x)
, E(x)
that independently handled specific parts of the pipeline.
For example, consider the situation where we have a multiple similar, but
separate, datasets that we want to analyze independently. Now if our
input parsing function I(x)
can take any of these datasets the pipeline
can easily data-parallelized (more on this later).
Of course we could write an input parser that works on all of the datasets at the same time and in some cases this might be preferable.
As another example let’s consider a problem where we would like to first test the analysis modules of our pipeline on a subset of our original data (e.g. stored in a file), but the actual data we want to analyze is stored in a data store (e.g. SQL, Hadoop, data lake). This kind of a situation is very common in industry.
Another place where modularity will show its imporance is a case where there’s multiple models that needs to be evaluated (e.g. ensemble modeling). By creating independent models that each accept the input data and produce an output that can be evaluated by the evaluation module we can reuse most of our pipeline with minimal changes.
Modularity is important as it allows us to re-use pieces of our pipeline on various different tasks. It also makes testing and verifying our results easier as we can test individual pieces of our program independently.
Modularity in the wild¶
Pandas as a library has been designed with modularity in mind right from the start. Each function in it has a specific task they need to accomplish and the output is usually of the same type as the input. Functions are short and the API tries to be as clean as possible. See slides 9, 13, 17 and 18 from Wes McKinney’s (pandas creator) presentation in NYCPython conference in 2012 for more information.
Same can be said about R’s tidyverse ecosystem. The ecosystem is designed to use simple functions with human-readable names. See Hadley Wickham’s (tidyverse creator) tidy tools manifesto for more information.
Modularity as a design principle is all fine and good, but for it to be really effective, there needs to be good communication between the modules. This means that there should be well defined interfaces between modules or, in other words, for each module the output of the module should be in a format that can be used as an input for the next module.
In the previous example of a pipeline with two models M1(x)
and M2(x)
we implicitly assumed that the model evaluation function E(x)
read in the output of the models.
As an example, in R the residuals-function is defined for all model fitting functions and it will provide model residuals. Thus if our evaluation function were to use residual sum of squares as a criterion of model evaluation, it would work with all models that have a residuals-function. This is an example of a good interface.
Interfacing in the wild¶
Both pandas and R’s tidyverse try to utilize a consistent strategy with data
structures. In pandas functions usually taka a Series
- or
-objects and as their output they usually provide a similar
object. In R’s tidyverse tries to do the same with tibble
-structures. By
having a consistent data type throughout the data analysis pipeline coding
becomes much easier: the API’s just work.
This is also extremely important in the industry. Analyzing big data requires good interfaces. For a good example, see Steve Yegge’s rant on Google’s platforms and on Jeff Bezos’ 2002 interface mandate.
Creating modules for a pipeline¶
Many complete pipelines have modules written as functions. In many deep learning frameworks these modules are also written as Python classes. For now let’s re-write the modules in exercise 1 pipeline as functions.
For example, the data loading for
could be written in
the following way:
# Define iris data loading function
def load_iris(iris_data_file):
iris_data = pd.read_csv(
names=['Sepal.Length', 'Sepal.Width', 'Petal.Length', 'Petal.Width', 'Species'],
iris_data['Species'] = iris_data['Species'].map(lambda x: x.replace('Iris-','')).astype('category')
iris_data = iris_data.rename(columns={'Species':'Target'})
return iris_data
iris_data = load_iris('../data/')
# Define iris data loading function
load_iris <- function(iris_data_file) {
iris_data <- read_csv(iris_data_file, col_names=c('Sepal.Length', 'Sepal.Width', 'Petal.Length', 'Petal.Width', 'Species')) %>%
mutate(Species=str_remove(Species, 'Iris-')) %>%
mutate(Species=as.factor(Species)) %>%
iris_data = load_iris('../data/')
It might look like this approach just increases the amount of code needed and
would not provide any benefits, but after we create a function for the row
shuffling functionality, we can start to see the advantage of our approach.
The shuffle_rows
-function might look something like this:
# Define function for dataset row shuffling
def shuffle_rows(data, random_state=None):
shuffled_data = data.sample(frac=1, random_state=random_state).reset_index(drop=True)
return shuffled_data
random_state = RandomState(seed=42)
iris_data = shuffle_rows(iris_data, random_state)
# Define function for dataset row shuffling
shuffle_rows <- function(data) {
sample_ix <- sample(nrow(data))
shuffled_data <- data[sample_ix,]
iris_data <- shuffle_rows(iris_data)
At this point it is important to notice that our shuffle_rows-function
works with any dataset that is similar to our original iris
Let’s finish off the whole pipeline with functions for dataset splitting, modeling, model evaluation and result plotting:
# Define function for dataset splitting
def split_dataset(data, train_fraction=0.8,random_state=None):
train_split, test_split = train_test_split(data, train_size=train_fraction, random_state=random_state)
print('Train split proportions:')
print('Test split proportions:')
return (train_split, test_split)
# Define function for decision tree classification
def decision_tree_classifier(train_split, random_state=None):
tree = DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state=random_state)
train_data = train_split.drop('Target', axis=1)
train_target = train_split['Target']
fitted_tree =, train_target)
print(export_text(fitted_tree, feature_names=list(train_data.columns)))
# Define function for model evaluation
def prediction_evaluation(test_split, model):
test_data = test_split.drop('Target', axis=1)
test_target = test_split['Target']
result_data = test_split.copy()
result_data['PredictedValue'] = model.predict(test_data)
result_data['Prediction'] = result_data.apply(lambda x: x['Target'].capitalize() if x['Target'] == x['PredictedValue'] else 'Classification failure', axis=1)
print('Confusion matrix:\n', confusion_matrix(result_data['PredictedValue'], result_data['Target']))
print('Accuracy: ', accuracy_score(result_data['PredictedValue'], result_data['Target']))
return result_data
# Define function for prediction plotting
def plot_predictions(fitted_data, x, y):
petal_plot, petal_plot_ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6.5, 6.5))
sb.scatterplot(x=x, y=y, data=fitted_data, hue=fitted_data['Prediction'])
# Define function for dataset splitting
split_dataset <- function(data, train_fraction=0.8) {
dataset_split <- data %>%
resample_partition(c(train=train_fraction, test=1-train_fraction))
print('Train split proportions:')
dataset_split$train %>%
as_tibble() %>%
group_by(Target) %>%
tally() %>%
print('Test split proportions:')
dataset_split$test %>%
as_tibble() %>%
group_by(Target) %>%
tally() %>%
# Define function for decision tree classification
decision_tree_classifier <- function(train_data) {
fitted_tree <- train_data %>%
as_tibble() %>%
rpart(Target ~ ., data=., method='class')
# Define function for model evaluation
prediction_evaluation <- function(test_data, model) {
prediction_data <- test_data %>%
as_tibble() %>%
mutate(PredictedValue = predict(model, newdata=., type='class')) %>%
mutate(Prediction=ifelse(Target == PredictedValue, str_to_title(as.character(Target)), 'Classification failure'))
show(confusionMatrix(prediction_data$Target, prediction_data$PredictedValue))
# Define function for prediction plotting
plot_predictions <- function(fitted_data, x, y) {
options(repr.plot.width=13, repr.plot.height=7)
ggplot(data=fitted_data, aes_string(x=x, y=y, color='Prediction')) +
Now we can run the whole pipeline with:
random_state = RandomState(seed=42)
iris_data = load_iris('../data/')
iris_data = shuffle_rows(iris_data, random_state)
iris_train, iris_test = split_dataset(iris_data, train_fraction=0.8, random_state=random_state)
iris_fitted_tree = decision_tree_classifier(iris_train, random_state=random_state)
iris_predicted = prediction_evaluation(iris_test, iris_fitted_tree)
plot_predictions(iris_predicted, 'Petal.Width', 'Petal.Length')
plot_predictions(iris_predicted, 'Sepal.Width', 'Sepal.Length')
iris_data <- load_iris('../data/')
iris_data <- shuffle_rows(iris_data)
iris_split <- split_dataset(iris_data, train_fraction=0.8)
iris_fitted_tree <- decision_tree_classifier(iris_split$train)
iris_predicted <- prediction_evaluation(iris_split$test, iris_fitted_tree)
plot_predictions(iris_predicted, x='Petal.Width', y='Petal.Length')
plot_predictions(iris_predicted, x='Sepal.Width', y='Sepal.Length')
Writing our pipeline in this way provides many benefits:
We can see our whole pipeline with a single glance.
We can easily modify our pipeline e.g. disable shuffling.
We can easily see and change our pipeline’s hyperparameters (e.g. test different values of train_fraction).
By swapping load_iris-function to some other function that provides its output in similar format, we can run the same pipeline on a different dataset.
By swapping decision_tree_classifier-function to some other function that provides its output in similar format, we can run the same pipeline on a different model.
However, it is also important to know that by writing our pipeline in this way we have created interfaces. Thus reliability of our pipeline relies on the fact that various hidden requirements are being fulfilled:
Using our chosen model makes sense in the context.
Data is in tidy format (DataFrame/tibble).
Target variable is in Target-column and there are no unnecessary variables.
The fitted model supports the predict-function for obtaining predictions.
Prediction names are stored in ‘Prediction’-column.
It might look like the amount of requirements would grow very rapidly and thus there would not be any generality to our pipeline. However, in Python and R the community is very good at using standards. E.g. in scikit-learn and in R the predict-methods are well defined. By adhering to the same standards that everybody else uses you will immediately get the benefits: hundreds of different models and libraries.
In the next exercise we try to extend our pipeline.
Extending our data analysis pipeline
A example pipeline is provided in X_exercises/ch1-X-ex2.ipynb
Let’s modify our simple data analysis pipeline so that it can handle another classifications task: classifying breast cancers from a another famous dataset. This problem is bit trickier for a simple model such as decision tree, so let’s try out random forest classifier, which uses an ensemble of decision trees and let’s compare the results.
Problems are described in more detail in the example notebooks:
Create a data loading function for our new dataset.
Test the data loading function by running a pipeline with decision tree classifier. Analyze results.
Create a function for random forest classifier. Use the function in the place of our decision tree classifier to classify cancer diagnoses.
Use the random forest classifier in our iris pipeline. Analyze results.
Getting a bigger picture of data analysis pipelines¶
Split pipelines¶
So far we’ve been looking at a pipelines that consist of single notebook. This is often not possible with bigger pipelines. For example, the initial data might be too big to fit into laptop’s memory and plotting might be something that would be easier to do with the laptop.
In cases such as this the pipeline would need to be split into multiple pieces. These pieces would then be connected by data transfer: output of the pipeline at certain step is saved and transfered to another system where the pipeline is continued.
Another example would be a pipeline where one part of the pipeline has higher resource requirements than other parts. If modeling takes multiple days, one rarely wants to connect plotting to it.
In pipelines such as these it is important to know when to do the splitting. The questions to ask are usually:
Do I need to repeat some part of my pipeline more often than another?
Is some part of my pipeline more costly with respect to its resource requirements?
Will I modify some part more often than another?
Is the pipeline data-parallel? Could it be split in a way that would make scaling easier?
Data analysis workflow as a pipeline¶
It is usually good idea to think of the data analysis pipeline in a larger context. A full workflow of creating a paper might consist of data gathering, pipeline creation, pipeline result evaluation and iteration on the pipeline, and finally the actual writing process. Thus there is a correspondence between the idea of a pipeline and the whole workflow.
For example, it is often the case that when one tries various models and model hyperparameters, the search is done iteratively and only the final values are recorded. By keeping track of different models, hyperparameters etc. in a .csv file one can use the same data analysis tools to help with the process of searching the values. This will help with justifying the chosen parameters and getting a better understanding on how sensitive the model is to said parameters.