Aalto SciComp stickers and patches

We have stickers (and patches!) to support Aalto Scientific Computing. (You can get them from our IT offices in CS, NBE, and Physics) But why invest in this? Well, it’s fun, but there should be a deeper reason.

Picture with hexagonal stickers and patches laid out on a table.  We have far more than you see here.

Stickers and patches, pick up from either the Physics, Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering, or Computer Science departments.

While our main goal is to maintain Aalto University Triton HPC cluster, provide courses and direct support to researchers, we cannot scale to solve all problems and make the best decisions without a community: you! Thus, our new promotional material is designed so that the members of our community can show their support for scientific computing at Aalto University. We hope that by providing a way for the community to show this interest, people can find - and support - each other better.

We have the typical hexagonal stickers, which you can use on all the typical sticker things.

We also have patches, for those who are interested - in Finland they are a big thing on [student overalls](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Student_boilersuit), but you could also sew them on your backpack or purse. Please send us pictures to inspire us all! (some have Velcro backing for that kind) of attachment, ask us for that style.

Black background vs white background?

You may notice that for the patches some have a black background and some have a white background. Black-background means “Ask me anything about the tools of scientific computing, I am happy to help or at least point you the right direction (as much as I can)!”

Here’s our idea:

  • Anyone may take the white background ones

  • Black background is for:

    • Aalto Scientific Computing team staff

    • Volunteers at our events (for example helpers at our workshops)

    • Anyone who is interested in using their time to help others in scientific computing (regardless of their skills)

(clever people will notice that the first two are included in the third, and actually anyone can be the third if they want).

The idea is that we, and our community, can’t work alone. Everyone needs to support each other in order to work at the level we want. The in-group experts are an undervalued resource in this, often not getting the credit or recognition they deserve in supporting everyone. This is our small method of recognizing those supporters, and we hope that in the future we support them ever more - both career-wise and supporting them in supporting others.

Yes, we should have gotten black-background stickers. We’ll do that next time…